Exclusive: Canada’s top national security chiefs speak out, on CBC Radio’s The House, Saturday, June 23, 2023


While I enjoy ‘The House’ immensely, this morning I wanted to throw the radio at the wall! Your program was about security and you left out the most important threat to Canadians – the Climate Crisis. The China influence is as nothing compared to the growing number of Canadians either being burned out or flooded out of their homes, not to speak of all the animals, plants and insects and birds that are dying. And our Boreal forest which is supposed to be a carbon sink is now contributing hugely to the CO2 atmosphere burden as well as making Canadians sick with breathing the smoke. Climate scientists have warned for many years that if we do not act decisively to reduce our fossil fuel burning, which is the cause of most greenhouse gas emissions, we run the risk of what is called ‘runaway global heating’ that we will be unable to do anything to control. Reported on CBCTV’s ‘The National’ is that the peat is on fire in northern Alberta. I fear that we are already at the tipping point because peat and permafrost contain so much carbon that is now being released into the atmosphere. I expect better of my tax paid for broadcaster. Why are you not telling us the real threat to Canadians’ security instead of a political molehill by comparison? Is it because our government is in such thrall to the fossil fuel companies, many of them foreign owned, that even our public broadcaster is afraid to tell us the truth?

About Murray Lumley

Community Peacemaker Teams Reservist; retired teacher; grandfather
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